Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Get Up, Suit Up, Show Up.....

So I called my dad the other day and asked, "How are you feeling?"  His response:  "Doesn't matter."  I said, "Pardon me?"  And he responded with the same enthusiasm that I've come to expect.  He said, "It doesn't matter how I feel.  Some days I'm great, full of energy, some days I'm pretty exhausted.  But it doesn't matter, I get up and do what I have to do."  Wow....I think somebody forgot to tell him that he's battling an incurable cancer.

My sister-in-law sent me this article that was written about him in which my dad says he feels like this next chapter of his life is going to be his most important.  This cancer "adventure" as he's calling it has given him a new platform from which to speak.  And speaking out is what he does best.  His latest piece of wisdom is for men -- don't neglect your yearly physical.  I would have never viewed cancer as a new adventure before seeing my dad's gut-wrenching determination to tackle it with everything he's got.

I'm a lucky girl to have had this kind of enthusiasm and positive outlook instilled in me since the minute I was born.  My dad has poured everything he's got into the lives of his children, and we consider ourselves extremely blessed.  Now it's our turn to encourage him through this "adventure" called multiple myeloma.  It's certainly not what we would have chosen, but there are small blessings along the way that we'll miss if we become focused on the negative.  There is still a lot to celebrate, and there is so much to be thankful for.

Just wanted to share the article, hope you enjoy.

Until next time....Dare to Live!!



  1. Awesome, Karyn! Great job and wonderful reflections.

  2. You and your dad ROCK! Thanks for the inspiration. I'll shut up and quit whining now.
    ; )

  3. Karyn, This is the first time I've visited your blog and I went through and read all of the posts! As a result, I'm typing through tears. How inspirational your posts are. Thank you for sharing these words. Amy Beth
